Saturday, March 10, 2007

Riding bicycles

Riding bicycles
out in the springtime sunshine
outing with children

Breezes were just fine
on the way to where we went
return trip - HEADWIND!!!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Hello Cheese Kitty!

Kitty eats a snack
Holy cow! It's a cheeto!
I think I want some.

What on earth is next?
Puppies eating chocolate?
Suzy loves brownies...
(This one refers to a night only a few months after we moved into our house and adopted Suzy. I'd baked brownies - one batch to go in to Stal's class, and one batch for us - and had individually wrapped the school brownies in plastic wrap. While we slept, Suzy pulled the paper plate off of the table, unwrapped each brownie in the school batch, and ate them all. When we awoke, we found no trace of the brownies - nary a crumb! - but did find the miraculously pristine paper plate and plastic wrap sections, without a hole or tear in a single one of them!)

I adore cheese puffs;
my mother's family calls
them Worms. Mmm! Yummy!

Japanese cheese puffs -
kanji are right on the bag -
Hello Cheese Kitty!

TGIF - it's picture day!

Happy Friday! Today's picture incorporates two amazing elements - kittens, and cheese puffs.

With credit to G is for Genki found here.

Get your haiku on!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Take a hike

"Take a hike", the mom
says to her spirited child,
"no ifs, ands, or buttes".

I hear that you're sad

I hear that you're sad.
Jesus loves you. Barney too.
Don't you feel better?

(Paraphrased from a bumper sticker I saw a few years ago that said something like, "Jesus loves you. So does Barney. Now don't you feel better?" This is another haiku from the two-hour trip to the doctor last night.)


Raven at my feet
chewing her toy and looking
at me with glad eyes


I'm tired of this
I'm sick, and pukey, and mad
I know God hates me.


What is a mirror
and who is that strange person
stop staring at me!

Ha Ha

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Butte is like butt Ha Ha Ha
I'm so immature

Butte, Montana

Greatest mining town
now the largest Superfund -
that's Butte, Montana!

Overlooking Butte,
Our Lady of the Rockies
prays for her fair town.

You are such a butte

Why are you so mean?
I'm only trying to help
You are such a butte.

Word to Your Mother!

Today's Wild, Wonderful Word for Wednesday is

You can find the definition of a butte at wikipedia (with a picture of one), or at the Merriam-Webster online dictionary (with a n audio file of the pronunciation)... or you could go with what it looks like, and do some wordplay.

Have at it!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


What's that awful smell?
stinky refrigerator
last week's leftovers

Monday, March 5, 2007


Ugly old ogre
annoying talking donkey
and a stupid king

I like this movie
though I dislike Fiona
she is way creepy

Stinky Green Ogres

Stinky green ogres
just don't rescue princesses
for a midget king;

this is not the way
things are done in fairy tales -
where's my handsome prince?

Approaching Duloc...
think he is compensating?
um, yeah, no doikey!

Loving the dragon
sounds like a euphemism
for something dirty.

Donkey's like Tomboy
he can never stop talking
but he's lovable.

An apology

You've never seen Shrek?
Mea maxima culpa.
Next week: A New Hope

(That would be "Star Wars," now known as Episode IV. Get your wookiee haiku ready!)

Magical Movie Monday!

Happy Monday! To spark your creativity to new depths of dreadfulness, the movie for today is...

To refresh your memory, the IMDB page for Shrek is here, and the official (Flash "enhanced") site is here.

The rules? Well... hmm... let's see... you don't have to post a haiku about the movie if you're posting today, but it's more fun. If your poem is only tangentially related, that's just fine. Take the littlest detail and run with it, and then we get to have fun trying to guess where it came from. You can retell the story, describe a character or scene, or fit a snippet of dialogue into the haiku form.
